We are experts in weather, soils, crops, modeling, and computer programing, eager to make a difference in the agricultural world.
Our academic background allowed us to grow scientifically and personally. We got to know different people, cultures, ways of thinking…you bet.
As we learnt more about crop management under different conditions, we noticed there was a major gap to be filled.
In spite of the homogeneous view a crop field can show, there is spatial variability in soils, especially in its texture, fertility and depth. If you add your weather and management, the combination makes your farm unique!
So, why manage your field as one uniform unit if you could optimize its management according to its variability?
Don’t irrigate when your neighbor does it…
We created a personalized approach to optimize your crop management. From deciding when to plant, to figure out when to irrigate or how much fertilizer does your crop really need.
These are the questions that you have to deal with every crop season, and make sure your answer is correct, so you don’t’ lose any money from your pocket in the way. Conserve water and avoid polluting your groundwater. We can give you that extra punch if you’re in doubt!
This website was designed for you, a farmer or lady farmer, to support in the decision making for your main activities, irrigation and fertilization. A lot of science and programming is behind NSS interface, as our soil, crop and weather databases were optimized at high resolution.
Our system may be useful to seed and irrigation companies, since our optimization processes recommend which variety to plant, and how much water to irrigate.
This great experience will start in Brazil this coming crop season. We established many field experiments in Rio Grande do Sul, to know more about your crops, under the supervision of our scientist partner.
It’s been a hard work, and it will continue being like this because we care about you and our product.
‘To provide unique online services for farm producers like you on how to optimize your crop management, from pre-planting to harvest, to achieve your potential yields’
‘To empower farmers on making the right decision, at the right place, and the right time’.
We appreciate your business, your trust and your confidence in us.
With our best compliments,