Gold Option

This option will help you take agronomical decisions with advice on what you could do in your field. Advice is based on weather to seasonal forecasts, and optimization algorithms, to take the maximum advantage of your soils and crop genetics.

This option involves
working together,

then we become

Our exclusive tools for climate forecasts, crop modeling, and optimization techniques will allow us to give operational advice on how to manage your field.

You’ll get tips, current status and projections on your crop through text messages and online information. Based on the decisions you make, we’ll optimize the next steps of your crop management, such us irrigation and fertilization scheduling, until harvest.

For your information

If you look for solving issues such as equipment set up, we will not help you on this. However, you are more than welcome to take a look at any of the options offered by us.

Get our service!

Gold 14 offers you two useful extra tools that can help you project your final yields.

Gold 18 offers a customized crop management plan with 3-5 day advice from pre-planting to harvest.


Rate per year*
*From date of starting service.


  •  Crop yield forecasts
  •  Seasonal climate forecasts
  •   - Rainfall amount
  •   - Number of rainy days
  •   - Maximum temperature
  •   - Minimum temperature
  •   - Solar radiation
  •  Climate index forecasts
  •   - Freeze risk probability
  •   - Heat rist probability
  •  Agroclimatic index forecasts
  •   - Growing degree days
  •   - Chilly units


Rate per cropping season*
*From pre-planting to harvest.

+ 11.99/ac

  •  Complete Gold 14 package
  •  Identification of your field
  •  Fitting your soil and weather data identification
  •  Customized planting date, variety and plant density
  •  Irrigation requirements advice
  •  Nitrogen requirements advice
  •  Farmer’s logbook
  •  Advice logbook
  •  Crop yield projections
  •  Current status on:
  •   - Soil and plant nitrogen
  •   - Soil water
  •   - Plant growth
  •  Estimated values on:
  •   - Precipitation
  •   - Total irrigation applied
  •   - Evapotranspiration
  •   - Drainage
  •   - Nitrogen leaching
  •   - Climate risk
  •  Advice sent via text messages to your
    cell phone and email

Create an account

(*) Advice will be sent as text messages to this number.



Pre-planting tips and climate risk tools.

Click here


Customized management tips from planting to harvest.

Click here